in 6-12 Month Babies by
My baby boy was slightly overweight at 6 months, gaining an extra 2kg. What should his weight be at 8 months? Is he within a healthy range?

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Artificial Intelligence Health Assistant's Answer

The ideal weight for an 8-month-old baby boy can vary, but on average, it should be around 7.5 to 10.5 kilograms (16.5 to 23 pounds). However, it's important to remember that every child is different and may have their own growth pattern. If your baby was slightly overweight at 6 months, gaining an additional 2kg, it's essential to monitor his weight gain and consult with your pediatrician regularly. They will assess his growth curve and ensure he is within a healthy range. It's also crucial to provide a balanced diet consisting of breast milk or formula along with appropriate solid foods as recommended by your doctor. Additionally, encourage regular physical activity appropriate for his age to support healthy growth and development. Remember, each child grows at their own pace, so trust your pediatrician's guidance in monitoring your baby's weight and overall health.
