in Newborn (0-3 month) by
My baby becomes weak after vomiting. What could be causing this?
Artificial Intelligence Health Assistant's Answer

It is not uncommon for babies to experience hiccups, and gripe water is often used as a remedy. However, if your baby vomits after taking gripe water, it can be concerning. Gripe water is generally considered safe, but some babies may have an adverse reaction to its ingredients or the taste. The vomiting could be a result of an intolerance or sensitivity to one of the components in the gripe water. It's important to consult with your pediatrician about this issue to determine the cause and find alternative solutions for relieving your baby's hiccups without causing discomfort or vomiting. In the meantime, you can try other natural remedies like burping your baby more frequently during feedings or gently massaging their tummy to help alleviate hiccups.

4 Answers

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Best answer
Don't give anything on the particular time 
Dont give her anything, hiccups are normal they go on their own
0 votes

Don't give her anything. Hiccups are caused by excess gas in the stomach which enters when baby is suckling. Gripe water helps with stomach upset due to digestive discomfort. See the difference? So, don't give gripe water for hiccups. 



When hiccup happens:

1) always keep baby upright to reduce the impact(possible pain) experienced at that time. Do not keep baby on its back.

2) keep pressure away from baby's abdomen. Adds To Any Pain Or Discomfort Baby Feels During The Hiccup Episode. For example, don't put baby to your shoulders. Rather, keep baby on its feet support by your firm grips and play along while using the rest of your four fingers to pat baby's back.

3) You can also try breastfeeding. You know, adults drink water in gulps during hiccups. Same  idea, Put baby to the fuller breast so that baby can suck in gulps. This helps to displace some air for escape as milk takes over. 

4) it is very important that you burp your baby after feeding; and very well too. The better your baby belches, the less hiccups baby will experience.. Be patient if it takes long burping for baby to belch. 

5) check your breastfeeding position for baby. Baby must latch proper as this also reduces the amount of air swallowed during feeding. Ensure the upper part of baby's body is always raised; and slanted.

6)do not put baby down to sleep immediately after feeding. 

The above works perfectly for my baby and I. Hope it help you two one way or the other. 

Cheers moms!
0 votes
You don't need to give her gripe water. It's her stomach that's enlarging and there's nothing bad about that.

On the alternative, you can give breast milk again (if she accepts it, fine. If she doesn't, leave her)
0 votes
Gripe water is not for hiccups