in 6-12 Month Babies by
My baby was born on March 18th, 2020. When is the recommended time to begin weaning and introducing solid foods into their diet?
Artificial Intelligence Health Assistant's Answer

The ideal time to start introducing solid foods to your baby's diet is typically around six months of age. However, every child is different, so it's important to look for certain signs of readiness before starting the weaning process. These signs include being able to sit up with support, showing an interest in food by watching others eat, and having good head and neck control. It's also crucial that your baby has lost their tongue-thrust reflex, which helps prevent choking. Starting solids too early can increase the risk of allergies and other digestive issues, while delaying it for too long may lead to nutrient deficiencies. Once you've determined that your baby is ready, you can begin by offering small amounts of pureed or mashed fruits and vegetables. Gradually introduce new foods one at a time over several days to monitor for any potential allergic reactions or sensitivities. Remember to consult with your pediatrician for personalized guidance based on your baby's specific needs and development.

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Baby born on July 232020 on which date i want to start ragi milk 