in Newborn (0-3 month) by
I am experiencing breast pain and a decrease in breast milk supply. This is causing me a lot of distress. What can I do to increase my breast milk supply and alleviate the pain?
Artificial Intelligence Health Assistant's Answer

If you are experiencing breast pain and a decrease in breast milk supply, there are several steps you can take to address these issues. Firstly, it's important to ensure that your baby is latching properly during breastfeeding, as an improper latch can lead to both pain and reduced milk supply. You may want to seek assistance from a lactation consultant who can provide guidance on proper latching techniques.

Additionally, frequent breastfeeding or pumping sessions can help stimulate milk production. Aim for at least 8-12 feedings or pumping sessions per day, including during the night. It's also important to empty your breasts fully during each session to signal your body to produce more milk.

Staying well-hydrated by drinking plenty of water throughout the day is crucial for maintaining an adequate milk supply. Eating a balanced diet that includes foods known to boost milk production, such as oats, fenugreek seeds, and fennel seeds, may also be beneficial.

Breast massage before and during breastfeeding or pumping can help relieve breast pain and encourage better milk flow. Applying warm compresses or taking warm showers before nursing can also help with letdown.

If you continue to experience persistent breast pain or if your milk supply does not improve despite these measures, it's important to consult with a healthcare professional or lactation specialist for further evaluation and guidance tailored specifically to your situation.

Remember that stress and fatigue can negatively impact both milk production and letdown reflex. So make sure you're getting enough rest and seeking support from loved ones or joining local breastfeeding support groups where you can connect with other mothers facing similar challenges.

By following these tips, you should be able to increase your breast milk supply and find relief from breast pain, allowing you to continue providing nourishment for your baby.

1 Answer

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Try using a hot pack on ur breast to relieve the pain if its due to the milk build up. Try breastfeeding more often,  milk is produced based on demand.  So the more you put baby on the breast the more milk you produce.  If your nipple is hurting then u should visit ur doctor just to be sure that all id well .